Migration Guide

Upgrade Pricing

If you have purchased UniWebView 2 before, we offer a discount on upgrade. For users purchased UniWebView 2 from UniWebView Store, please visit our home page for more information. For Unity Asset Store users, you could login with your Asset Store and visit our product page to find the Upgrade Price.

We create UniWebView 3 from the first line of code, it contains many breaking changes from UniWebView 2. Most of the APIs are redesigned with much better naming conventions and more stable behaviors. Although it may take you some time to upgrade your project from UniWebView 2 to 3, we believe it is worth to do so.

In this documentation, we will guide you to upgrade your existion project from UniWebView 2 to UniWebView 3. We will also list all the API changes before and after version 3. You could take them as a reference if you need to take the migration. If you are new to UniWebView and were not using UniWebView 2 in your current project, see the Installation Guide instead to know how to get started with UniWebView from a fresh state.


Although quite many APIs were changed in UniWebView 3, the basic idea and main features are kept the same. So you should be comfortable with most new APIs and could recognize the changing logic of them. First, we will guide you to remove the related part of UniWebView 2 from your existing project. Then you could follow the Installation Guide to integrate UniWebView 3. At last, you can follow the API changes list to modify your existing API calls to match the latest version of UniWebView.


Before you start the migration, we strongly suggest that you should backup your project.

Removing UniWebView 2

First you need to remove UniWebView 2 from your project. Remove these files/folders (and the related ".meta" files if any) under the "Assets" of your project:

  • The whole "UniWebView" folder
  • "index.html", "UniWebViewDemo"
  • "Plugins/Editor/UniWebView.bundle"
  • "Plugins/Android/UniWebView.jar"
  • "Plugins/iOS/UniWebView.mm"
  • All files under "Plugins" started with "UniWebView" (like "UniWebViewEventProcessor.cs", "UniWebViewPluginAndroid.cs", etc.)
  • "Plugins/WP8/UniWebViewWP.dll"

You also need to modify the "AndroidManifest.xml" file under "Assets/Plugins/Android" folder. UniWebView is no longer needed to be your main activity. So you could revert to your original main activity. If you were using another third party library which needs to be main activity, change the value of "android:name" for the main activity to the name of that activity. Otherwise if you are not using any other as main activity, change it back to Unity's default com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity.

It should be no need to have these two attributes in the manifest file:

<meta-data android:name="android.app.lib_name" android:value="unity" />
<meta-data android:name="unityplayer.ForwardNativeEventsToDalvik" android:value="true" />

However, depends on your Unity version, you may encounter a problem while showing soft keyboard in a web view on Android. If this turns to be your case, you could add these two lines back to you AndroidManifest.xml.

If you have changed other part of AndroidManifest.xml, you may also want to revert it. You could find the default AndroidManifest.xml used by Unity under the "PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/Apk/AndroidManifest.xml" in Unity installation path.

Integrating UniWebView 3

Now, you completed removed UniWebView 2 from you project. Please make sure that you no longer have a "UniWebView" folder in "Assets". Then follow the Installation Guide to integrate UniWebView 3 into your project.

API Changes In Detail

Since the APIs are totally different, the compiler could not provide an advice to fix issues. Now you should be having quite a few compiling errors. Fortunately, the basic using of UniWebView does not change, so you could just look up the complaining UniWebView 2 APIs in the table and replace it with the new APIs.

For an API you are not sure, just click the API name to see its API reference. We also suggest you to check the whole documentation briefly before you get your hand dirty.

Here is the API change list:

Before (UniWebView 2)After (UniWebView 3)
OnEvalJavaScriptFinishedRemoved. Use handler based EvaluateJavaScript instead.
Load()Removed. Use Load(string url) instead.
EvaluatingJavaScript(string javaScript)EvaluateJavaScript(string jsString, Action<UniWebViewNativeResultPayload> completionHandler)
AddJavaScript(string javaScript)AddJavaScript(string jsString, Action<UniWebViewNativeResultPayload> completionHandler)
SetTransparentBackgroundRemoved. Use BackgroundColor with 0 alpha value.
ShowToolBarSetShowToolbar with true
HideToolBarSetShowToolbar with false
SetAllowAutoPlaystatic SetAllowAutoPlay
SetAllowInlinePlaystatic SetAllowInlinePlay
static SetUserAgentSetUserAgent
static ResetUserAgentRemoved. Use SetUserAgent and pass null.
CleanCookiestatic ClearCookies
inetsRemoved. Use Frame or ReferenceRectTransform instead.
urlurlOnStart (This is private and can only be set in Inspector. Use Load if you want to load a new page.)